Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome to the official Kyle Wade Web Log!

I realize that most of you lie in bed late at night, staring into the darkness, and wondering -- Why has Kyle been so reluctant in committing to the web 2.0 hype of blogging?

It's pretty simple -- I am lazy. Not the four hundred pound lazy, watching TV all day while eating Hot Pockets. It's the other "cool" kind of lazy.

I have a demanding and stressful job. Sure, you're thinking to yourself that UNIX servers are a blast but, regardless, work is draining. By the time I get home, eat dinner, and spend two hours with the twins and wife I am exhausted. My brain literally turns to Strawberry Jell-O. I wind down by playing a video game or watching one of our shows/movies then go to bed.

My personal web sites have suffered in the past. What eventually happens is that updates become too time consuming and then people stop visiting due to the lack of new content.

Enter blogging -- an easier way to post about what's new in life.

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